Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Get More When You GIVE More!

You may ask 'how can you ask me to give more in today's economy?'

My answer is how can you not?

People all around us are needy. Our clients, our friends, our co-workers even our employers. We are all in this together! We have two choices — we can either push through it with a "why me" attitude or push through it with a "why not me" attitude. Either way—we're going through it!

Then the question becomes- What can you give? I'm so glad you asked!

Personally speaking...
You can give…

a care.

your time.

an encouraging word.

good news for a change!

a note to your neighbor whose car you notice is in the driveway more because they've lost their job.


your time to read a book for kids at the library or local school.

your old closet items to the women's shelter.

your child's teacher a thank you card.

your smile away to the man or woman in the elevator.

a call to your local food bank and ask how to organize a food drive.

an ear to a friend who needs to talk.


You can give :

30 minutes a week to work specifically on your referral business.

knowledge or training to others.

more personal attention to your clients by asking them how you could improve your service in just one way in 2009.

your ideas through joining a networking group or industry specific board or committee.

All you got to start everyday with a powerful and positive thought!

Just don't GIVE up!
Lisa Creed
Business Coach/Trainer

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