Monday, January 26, 2009

Worship Matters- Words Matter

The members of LFC Worship Team are reading a book by Bob Kauflin called Worship Matters. I'm about half way through this great book. In Part 1 he discusses: The heart - What do I love? - My mind- What do I believe? My Hands - What do I Practice? and finally My Life: What do I Model? MY LIFE!? Wait a minute... You mean we're to set an example? I think that's where the word LEADER comes in. I personally believe we are all leaders (in something). We are leaders in the area of each of our gifts, talents and our purposes in life. I also believe that God has carefully put us in the middle of people - on purpose. (LOVE GOD- LOVE PEOPLE) We each have a community of family, friends and more... I also think He speaks specifically about leaders who affect believers (church leaders?) It doesn't matter if we're leading a congregation or having a conversation with friends. We influence others - we lead everyday. >Here comes the controversial part>>1Tim4:12 - Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. IN SPEECH - -is this first on the list!!? OUCH! - You mean what I say or communicate to others matters- and matters to other believers? So I think we all agree that what leaders (worship and otherwise) say to the congregation is important - But what about the words we use all the time... the ones we post on our blogs, websites and even FB and in private conversations? I think when the added exposure of the Internet makes our lives more visible - more exposed- we have added influence AND added accountability - not less. Just because the web offers anonymity doesn't mean we are less responsible for our words. If we wouldn't say the same things in a public forum- why is it okay in any other? Kauflin suggests that church leaders (both worship and other leaders) have crossed a line in their communication in an attempt to be or sound cool and relevant- HIP~ It's like part of their targeting efforts to attract visitors or an attempt to be transparent. Transparent? Really? I've seen some posts I was almost embarrassed FOR them. I'm not saying we shouldn't joke or have informal conversations... I just think we honor God when who we are on Sunday is the same person we are on Mon-Fri :) When we live "two lives" we're not only deceiving the church - we're misrepresenting the God we claim to be worshipping! So...share your thoughts ...??