Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking Forward 2012

It's that time again...
How many of us make New Years Resolutions?  How many write them down?
If you'd like to increase the chances of actually fulfilling your resolutions this year ... take note...
Writing down your resolutions means you actually take time to think, evaluate and set goals.
Now take the next step and write them down. Even better create categories like PERSONAL, BUSINESS, FINANCIAL, SPIRITUAL  Then create resolutions under each.  Becoming resolute about them will take some time.  If you can write them down, then reduce them down to WORDS or even better PICTURES you can then take them wherever you go.  Here's the idea.
For instance - if my goal or resolution is to get FIT (eat right, exercise, lose weight) my word is FIT!

We use this same exercise in business planning and goal setting.  I ask the question "what's the KEY to keeping your goals in front of you?" Because most of the time the goals slip when we fail to keep them in front of us.
I truly believe small daily habits can make the biggest change in our lives and our business. So, here's the habit.  Focus on your goals daily. Insert them into your day. PUSH them into your path so that you MUST stop even for just a moment and re-focus.  That doesn't mean you read them or resolve them daily - just remember them and re-focus. It's like looking at the GPS to make sure we're still on the right path to our destination.  Sometimes we have to stop and recalculate as my GPS says. :)  
Placing these words or pictures that represent your 4  or 5 big goals this year in your daytimer is one way to do that. Another idea is to enter them as reminders into your phone.  Enter an appointment monthly with yourself to think about your goals and re-evaluate your progress. Make small changes and improvements.  Another idea is to take the words or pictures you have chosen and reduce them to a small keychain size - laminate and carry on your actual KEYCHAIN.
Hopefully this will keep us moving in a FORWARD motion toward achieving our resolutions and goals!
Happy New YEAR!

"Make good habits and they will make you."  Parks Cousins

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