Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brain Training (Learning to FOCUS)

Focus - kind of a scary word ! Falls under the discipline, organized, accountability category.
I think alot of people work better under pressure... but maybe it's more about our internal policies better known as BOUNDARIES. Even though I'm creative and like bending the rules - I know I operate better with boundaries. When I really need to get stuff done - let me re-state that, when I really HAVE to get stuff done I magically get it done! So, why can't I apply that same thinking into other areas of my life that need my FOCUS. Is focus just random or only for those SERIOUS people? Am I born with all the focus I'm going to have? What I know is that when I'm focused I am more decisive, more direct and more productive. So how can I learn to be more focused - on purpose.

Focused action means you must CHOOSE to stay on task. You must CHOOSE to 'say no to good so you can say YES to the best!' (Maxwell) For instance... I have to choose to say no to eating out for several weeks so that I can yes to my vacation and eating on the beach! ( A girl can dream right? My vacation statement is addressing the monetary savings and not beach attire which would clearly take on years of focus rather than weeks! ;)LOL)

Here's some common complaints (myths) about FOCUS -
"I don't want to be rude to other people"
"I can't ignore my email or my phone for that long"
"I spend all my focus time planning instead of doing"
"I just got distracted - time got away from me"

FOCUS Happens!
1. The day/week before you are scheduled to go on vacation you get more done and are more productive than any other day/week of the year! END OF STORY! I've got plane tickets to Mexico - I can't talk, answer the phone or get caught in FB land - I'm on a mission to get to my destination.
2. I never answer my phone in the movie - IT'S VERY RUDE!! (yes...exceptions apply for emergency situations) After all IT'S THE RULE or POLICY! And I'm the first to glare at those who ignore the rule. It's one thing for your phone to ring... it's a WHOLE OTHER THING when you actually answer it! (Don't get me started)
When I can blame my FOCUS on a third party it seems easier to stay on target without guilt.
(ie: The movie policy) Especially when money is involved or my integrity (my word) I'm gonna do everything to make it happen according to plan. Those are in a way "outside forces" that we have allowed to become boundaries in our lives.
Our character is made up all kinds of boundaries (good and bad). Where did they come from? Who created those boundaries? Who decided it was inappropriate to talk in the movies? Who decided when I purchase non refundable tickets I will always bust my tail (and sometimes other's) to be there!?
So maybe to improve our FOCUS we improve our boundaries and allow ourselves to re-set some.

If you are a business owner or leader you better have some clear policies and guidelines to point to in order to get things accomplished. A clear vision of where you are going and what it will take to get there is always at the front of the line to success. Otherwise you may find yourself in the backseat on the way to somewhere you didn't really want to go.
Just like a business mission statement that identifies the plan and purpose - we can have a personal mission statement that helps remind us of our values and our purpose. Then when conflict arises we can point to the mission statement (personal policy) of what's really important to us to help us make those decisions to stay focused - stay on task- or even more importantly stop and identify the unproductive things.
When two of your values conflict, you have a dilemma -you have a choice. That's where we can LOSE focus. What’s the solution? First, identify what is really important in life.
“We can choose the sounds we want to listen to; we can choose the taste we want in food, and we should choose to follow what is right. But first of all we must define among ourselves what is good” (Job 34:3–4 LivingBible).
Define among ourselves what is GOOD....
You need to come up with a personal definition of success, not someone else’s definition but your own. Remember “Success is the feeling I get when I live out my values.” (Rick Warren)It’s not a destination. You can be successful at any stage of your life, based on your own personal values and goals. Begin by making a list of what you value most in life. Ask yourself “What is going to last?” You can write a statement or just a few key words that describe what is important to you and why. If you need help getting started think about what you would want to have said about you and your life, by your friends, family and God.
Living a Life You Love begins today!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,

    I came across your blog. My Google alert service directed me to it because you used a "stage of life" phrase in your piece. Normally I move on if the article doesn't pertain directly to my business but I actually took a moment to read your story and wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it. Nice work!

    Have a wonderful summer!

    CEO Founder

    P.s. We always welcome writers like you to our project.
