Steps to Taking Flight
Step 1. Flapping=staying in constant motion. May seem awkward and lots of energy is needed. Gracefullness, however, is not required ;)
Step 2. Gliding= coasting,building speed...sometimes gravity helps move us along(when we take a leap) Gliding can't last forever - so learn and improve whenever possible.
Step 3. Soaring= strong wings required that are capable of catching an unseen current ... (current: a thermal wind moving straight from earth to heaven)
Soaring eagles mount upward without moving a feather and can soar up to 80 mph. But they all started with this same process.
It's an incredible thing to witness a soaring eagle. They always give me the impression they are brave and daring and even fearless. Yet they are also known for their
I can imagine moving from flapping to gliding and then eventually taking that leap into soaring!
You have to rely on catching the current --
Eagles soar
Is. 40:31 ....they will mount up with wings as eagles....
Step 1. Flapping=staying in constant motion. May seem awkward and lots of energy is needed. Gracefullness, however, is not required ;)
Step 2. Gliding= coasting,building speed...sometimes gravity helps move us along(when we take a leap) Gliding can't last forever - so learn and improve whenever possible.
Step 3. Soaring= strong wings required that are capable of catching an unseen current ... (current: a thermal wind moving straight from earth to heaven)
Soaring eagles mount upward without moving a feather and can soar up to 80 mph. But they all started with this same process.
It's an incredible thing to witness a soaring eagle. They always give me the impression they are brave and daring and even fearless. Yet they are also known for their
I can imagine moving from flapping to gliding and then eventually taking that leap into soaring!
You have to rely on catching the current --
Eagles soar
Is. 40:31 ....they will mount up with wings as eagles....