Are you a ' Learning Leader ' ?
Malcom Bane said "If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of of something for somebody - someday, you'll end up not doing anything for anybody."
Why should leaders be learners?
First of all, when you put yourself in the position to learn you ask yourself questions and that is ALWAYS a good thing? Self evaluation is something that seems to be missing in many leaders today. Just look at the news and you have to wonder when was the last time one of these 'leaders' really took inventory and took on the role of a learner?
Being a learner also requires humility and large dose of honesty. This is always a good trait in any leader.
Being a learner also requires initiative. Leaders are in a position of "GO FIRST" already. This is key to learning as well. It's important in prioritizing when you will add learning to your life. It's also key in determining WHEN to take action after learning.
Being a great learner means you also know the difference between KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING. You can know alot about something and not really understand it.
Last but not least... Leaders love to learn and they always love to learn about themselves and those they lead. If you aren't learning about those you lead... you may not be connecting as deeply as you could.
Connecting is vital to the success of those you lead as well as your own success as a leader.
I challenge you to find ways to really get to know those you lead.
Take this quiz and see how well you are connecting with those you lead.
1. Do you know what your team dreams about? (what motivates them?)
2. Do you know what your team members might sing about? (what inspires them?)
3. Do you know what your team members might cry about? (what touches them?)
4. When was the last time you sat across from those you lead and ask questions that matter to them?
Leaders love to learn...